Does it not feel like everyone has a Vision Board or at least talks about them?

Have you wondered How to Make a Vision Board That Works.?

I remember the first time someone told me to make a vision board years ago and how I giggled at the idea. First, I giggled to myself, and then something deep inside of me told me to go for it and silence my internal critic.

I thought to myself “Heck, what is the worst thing that could happen?…It wouldn’t work?”


The vision board worked, and so have all the other vision boards I created in the following years.  Now my vision boards have transformed into Manifestation Boards.  

Vision boards give you a chance to get clear on what you want so you can focus your attention, meditations, and the law of attraction toward those goals and manifest them into your reality.

Creating a vision board breaks down to:

  1. Getting clear on what you want.
  2. Take action by physically building your board.
  3. Consistently focusing your efforts to bring your goals into your reality.

Creating a Vision Board that Works can easily be done on paper or digitally. Here are the steps to build your vision board…

1. Gather Art Supplies

To create your vision board, you’ll need to collect art supplies.  You could order your supplies off, search around the house, or go to the dollar store.  I recommend picking up some of the following items:

  • A poster board.
  • Colored pencils, markers, and highlighters.
  • A glue stick.
  • Magazines that you can cut up and pick bright and colorful one.
  • Scissors, try the ones that cut fancy.
  • Your journal.

2. Find a Quiet Space

Go to a space that makes you feel relaxed with room to spread out. Maybe it’s the kitchen table or your office.  For me, it’s the floor in a bright and sunny room.  Bring your journal and all your art supplies to this quiet space.  Consider burning some incense or candles to set the mood.



3. What to Put on Your Board

This step is sometimes the hardest one because of many of us, especially women, are not good at asking for what we want and need.  

When creating a vision board get real with yourself and ask for it ALL. Think about what you want in your personal life, career, love life, and anything else that speaks to you.  

You deserve it and more so write it down in your journal.

The easiest way to do this step is to get out a journal and write out these questions and your responses.  Don’t hold back and allow it all to flow out.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I want?
  • What makes me happy?
  • What do I want to see and experience?


4. Pick out Your Images and Words

You already discovered what you want, and now it is time to go through your magazines and look for words and images that match your goals and dreams.

Rip or cut it out.  Create a big pile of what speaks to you.  

You can always hold onto the extras for your next vision board.

Always pick pictures and images that inspire, motivate, and make you feel good.


5. Creating Your Board

Time for some fun.  

I recommend creating a vision board to represent a year of goals at a time, but that does not mean you have to do the same.

Start by creating piles of images that represent each goal and next pick what pictures or words you want to use the most for that goal.  

You could use just one image or word or more for each goal listen to your inner voice to know how many to pick.

Play around with the placement of the pictures on the board and see how it feel.  Move them around and experiment with having the images in groups or in a timeline or by color.  

There is no right or wrong way just.

Consider painting or coloring background colors or writing in quotes or goals on the board as well.

Once you have found the placement, you want to glue everything in place and leave the board alone so it can dry.

Put all your extra images, and words in a big envelope to use for a future board.


6. Show off Your Vision Board

Display your vision board where you will see it often. You should direct your attention to it regularly while feeling grateful for everything you already have today.  

You want to visualize the things on your board as being true.  

One of the biggest mistakes with Vision Boards is spending a bunch of time making the board and then putting it somewhere that you don’t see it.  

Be Proud of your board and show it off.

Match Your Mindset

One of the easiest ways to get your mindset into a manifestation mindset is to say affirmations.  You’ll want to switch your thinking of “I want this” to “this is already a part of my reality” If you’re new to affirmations you can download my free ebook 30 Affirmations for More Self-Love to get a basic understanding.


7. Create Forward Movement

Look at your board and create a list of things in your journal that you can do to today or quickly to move toward your goals.  

Even the smallest action is a forward action that brings you closer to your goals.

Journal, journal, and journal more about each time you accomplish a step toward your goals.  

When you look at your board reflect back to your journal and what you wrote about after you did something to reach your goals.

The only way this will work is if you get into action.  If you want some help join Mind Love Body Group- a free closed facebook group and become apart of a community that believes in manifesting an amazing life.